
Personal Profile

Nick Hight-Huf LinkedIn profile

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Nicholas (Nick) Hight-Huf has joined NREL's Solar Photochemistry group under the mentorship of Garry Rumbles and Obadiah Reid to focus on fundamental aspects of charge generation in organic semiconductors. Nick is employing time-resolved techniques including microwave conductivity, transient absorption, and photoluminescence, thermodynamic and kinetic models for the generation of free charge in organic donor-acceptor films, which are being developed. Nick brings experience employing specific spectroscopic and scanning probe characterization techniques to understand the electronics at micro- and nano-structured interfaces to help realize the next generation of materials for energy applications. 

Research Interests

Time-resolved spectroscopy

Interfacial interactions

Solar energy

Education/Academic Qualification

Master, Physical Chemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara

PhD, Physical Chemistry, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Bachelor, Inorganic Chemistry, University of New Hampshire