Personal Profile
Noor Ul Hassan's LinkedIn profile
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Noor Ul Hassan joined NREL's Chemistry and Nanoscience Center in April 2023 as a postdoctoral researcher. His research in the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells group is to explore science behind anion exchange membrane fuel cells and water electrolyzers specifically focusing on improving the performance and durability of such systems. He received his doctorate in chemical engineering at the University of South Carolina, Columbia with Professor William E. Mustain, where he investigated various component level aspects of fuel cell and water electrolyzer systems such as electrode engineering / optimization, ionomeric binders, catalyst ink rheology, and porous transport layers.
Research Interests
Low-temperature water electrolysis
Polymer electrolyte fuel cells
Unitized reversible fuel cells
Electrode engineering
Education/Academic Qualification
Master, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Istanbul Sehir University
Bachelor, Mechatronics Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina