7 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Sam Medina with the persons below:
Scott Mauger
- Materials Science - Researcher V-Chemical Engineering
- Advanced Manufacturing Research Topic
- Materials Science Research Topic
Sunilkumar Khandavalli
- Materials Science - Researcher III-Chemistry
- Materials Science Research Topic
Guido Bender
- Chemistry and Nanoscience - Acting Group Manager - Chemistry & Nanoscience
- Chemistry and Nanoscience Research Topic
- Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Research Topic
- Photovoltaics Research Topic
Michael Ulsh
- Chemistry and Nanoscience - Acting Group Manager Process Science and Engineering
- Advanced Manufacturing Research Topic
- Chemistry and Nanoscience Research Topic
- Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Research Topic
- Photovoltaics Research Topic
Bryan Pivovar
- Materials, Chemical, and Computational Science - Senior Research Fellow I-Materials Science
- Chemistry and Nanoscience Research Topic
- Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Research Topic