
Personal Profile


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Kyle Kluherz studies semiconductor nanocrystals for various solar photochemistry applications. Kyle studied the local site structure of lanthanide dopants in lead halide perovskites and the unique structure of iodide elpasolite nanocrystals. At NREL, he is working on understanding the structure-property relationships in doped semiconductor nanomaterials, dimer nanoparticles, and chiral perovskite nanocrystals. 

Personal Profile

Semiconductor nanocrystals

Lead halide perovskites

Electronic dopants in semiconductor nanocrystals

Local structure in doped and undoped nanomaterials 

Professional Experience

Science Graduate Student Research Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2019–2020) 

Research Assistant, University of Washington (2017–2023) 

Research and Development Intern, Rio Tinto Minerals (2016) 

Education/Academic Qualification

Master, Chemistry, Colorado School of Mines

Bachelor, Chemistry, Colorado School of Mines

PhD, Physical Inorganic Chemistry, University of Washington