2022 Component Innovation Awardee: Carter Wind Turbines

Research output: NRELFact Sheet


Carter Wind Turbines will develop a competitively priced, portable, ultra-lightweight, self-erecting turbine that will expand the viability of wind energy systems for commercial and residential customers in areas far from population centers. The new turbine is a taller version of the Carter Model 300, which was developed with funding from previous Competitiveness Improvement Project (CIP) awards. Compared to conventional turbines, the new assembly is cheaper to ship, can be erected in one day without any cranes or heavy excavation equipment, and is compatible with the wide range of grid configurations and site conditions found in remote areas.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages2
StatePublished - 2023

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/FS-5000-87557


  • CIP
  • Competitiveness Improvement Project
  • distributed wind
  • distributed wind technology
  • wind energy


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