A Mass-Momentum Consistent Coupling for Mesh-Adaptive Two-Phase Flow Simulations

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4 Scopus Citations


We present a novel mass–momentum consistent coupling between a geometric volume-of-fluid scheme and an incompressible flow solver with differing directional-splitting approaches. The advection of the volume fraction is performed using a direction-split algorithm, whereas the momentum advection algorithm uses a traditional unsplit, fractional-step approach. Both algorithms employ finite-volume discretizations based on Cartesian meshes. In solving the mass–momentum consistency problem, momentum fluxes at the cell faces are weighted by the density fluxes based on the already advected volume fraction. The success of our approach lies on introducing a Favre-averaged velocity interpolation at the liquid/gas interface along with a minmod slope limiter. Mesh-convergence studies show that when the minmod slope limiter is used, the two-phase solver retains an accuracy between first and second order, but when a purely upwind scheme is considered, its accuracy drops to first order. Finally, after considering several validation problems, the solver is shown to agree well with reference numerical and experimental data while retaining its robustness and efficiency.

Original languageAmerican English
Article number105770
Number of pages18
JournalComputers and Fluids
StatePublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 Elsevier Ltd

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-5000-84481


  • Adaptive mesh refinement
  • Mass–momentum consistency
  • Ocean waves
  • Two-phase flows
  • Volume-of-fluid


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