A New State of the Art: Zero Energy Modular Multifamily Construction

Alison Donovan, Leslie Badger, Kevin McGrath, Peter Schneider, Justine Sears, Craig Simmons, Li Ling Young, Isabelina Nahmens, Ondrej Labik, Min Pun Kayat, Shanti Pless, Ankur Podder

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


In 2020, the U.S. Department of Energy's Building Technologies Office (BTO) launched the Advanced Building Construction (ABC) Initiative. This initiative aimed to integrate energy efficiency into high-production construction practices. One focus area of the initiative is off-site construction, an approach that may achieve scalable, efficient, and high-performing construction buildings through process standardization. This report presents the findings and recommendations from our ABC Initiative project: A New State of the Art: Zero-Energy Modular Multifamily Construction System. The objectives of the BTO-funded project are to: 1) Achieve energy performance 50% better than the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). 2) Achieve this level of energy performance at no additional cost VEIC worked with Louisiana State University (LSU), National Renewal Energy Lab (NREL), [the project team], and industry partners at the Mod Coach, KBS, and Solar Home Factory to identify and analyze multifamily business designs and modular construction practices. These designs and processes hold the promise of achieving the goals set out by the DOE.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages130
StatePublished - 2023

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-5500-92486


  • construction practices
  • modular housing
  • multifamily housing
  • off-site construction


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