A Numerical Method for Simulating Variable Density Flows in Membrane Desalination Systems: Article No. 106449

Federico Municchi, Yiming Liu, Jingbo Wang, Tzahi Cath, Craig Turchi, Michael Heeley, Eric Hoek, David Jassby, Nils Tilton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We present a novel method for simulating unsteady, variable density, fluid flows in membrane desalination systems. By assuming the density varies only with concentration and temperature, the scheme decouples the solution of the governing equations into two sequential blocks. The first solves the governing equations for the temperature and concentration fields, which are used to compute all thermophysical properties. The second block solves the conservation of mass and momentum equations for the velocity and pressure. We show that this is computationally more efficient than schemes that iterate over the full coupled equations in one block. We verify that the method achieves second-order spatial-temporal accuracy, and we use the method to investigate buoyancy-driven convection in a desalination process called vacuum membrane distillation. Specifically, we show that with gravity properly oriented, variations in temperature and concentration can trigger a double-diffusive instability that enhances mixing and improves water recovery. We also show that the instability can be strengthened by providing external heating.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages13
JournalComputers and Fluids
StatePublished - 2024

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-2C00-92038


  • computational fluid dynamics
  • membrane desalination
  • variable density flow


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