A Reversed Impedance-Based Stability Criterion for IBR Grids

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The existing impedance-based stability criterion is effective for analyzing local control interactions; however, it is difficult to scale the existing criterion to analyze wide-area control interactions among numerous IBRs through a complex power system network. The scaled version of the existing criterion requires the impedance response of each IBR in the system as well as of the network looking from all the IBRs. It is quite challenging to obtain all these impedance responses because of the computational effort and the requirement of separately scanning the impedance of the network from the IBRs. We propose a reversed criterion for the impedance-based stability analysis to address these problems. In contrast to the existing criterion, the reversed criterion analyzes the stability of a power system when an IBR is disconnected from the system. The reversed criterion estimates the impact of an IBR on the frequency and damping of power system oscillation modes using the impedance scans of only the IBR and the grid at its terminal. It can be sequentially applied at different IBRs to evaluate their impact on the power system stability. In addition to scalability, the reversed criterion gives flexibility to focus only on a few selected IBRs, depending on their rating, the magnitude of oscillations observed at their terminals, and the vendor support available for implementing stabilizing control system updates. The reversed criterion is demonstrated on a 14-bus power system with 100% IBRs.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2023
Event21st Wind and Solar Integration Workshop, WIW 2022 - Hybrid, The Hague, Netherlands
Duration: 12 Oct 202214 Oct 2022


Conference21st Wind and Solar Integration Workshop, WIW 2022
CityHybrid, The Hague

Bibliographical note

See NREL/CP-5D00-84000 for preprint

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5D00-87176


  • electric impedance
  • power grids
  • power system stability
  • stability criteria


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