title = "A Successful Small Wind Future: There Is Great Potential: NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)",
abstract = "Suzanne Tegen made this presentation at the 2017 Small Wind Conference in Bloomington, Minnesota. It provides an overview of DOE-sponsored small wind products, testing, and support; an example of a Regional Resource Center defending distributed wind; the recently published Distributed Wind Taxonomy; the dWind model and recent results; and other recent DOE and NREL publications related to small and distributed wind.",
keywords = "distributed wind, distributed wind model, distributed wind taxonomy, dWind, small wind, small wind research",
author = "Suzanne Tegen",
year = "2017",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the 13th Annual Small Wind Conference, 10-11 April 2017, Bloomington, Minnesota",
type = "Other",