Accelerated Durability Testing of Electrochromic Windows

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    Prototype electrochromic windows made by several different U.S. companies have been tested in our laboratory for their long-term durability. Samples were subjected to alternate coloring and bleaching voltage cycles while exposed to simulated on 1-sun irradiance in a temperature-controlled environmental chamber with low relative humidity. The samples inside the chamber were tested under a matrixof different conditions. These conditions include: cycling at different temperatures (65, 85, and 107 degrees C) under the irradiance, cycling versus no-cycling under the same irradiance and temperature, testing with different voltage waveforms and duty cycles with the same irradiance and temperature, cycling under various filtered irradiance intensities, and simple thermal exposure with noirradiance or cycling. The electro-optical characteristics of the samples were measured between 350 and 1,100 nm every 4,000 cycles for up to 20,000 cycles. Photographs of the samples were taken periodically with a digital camera to record cosmetic defects, the extent of residual coloration, and overall coloration and bleaching uniformity of the samples. Our results indicate that the mostimportant cause of degradation is the combination of continuous cycling, elevated temperature, and irradiance. The relative importance of these variables, when considered synergistically or separately, depends on the particular device materials and design.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages20
    StatePublished - 1998
    EventThird International Meeting on Electrochromism (IME-3) - London, United Kingdom
    Duration: 7 Sep 19989 Sep 1998


    ConferenceThird International Meeting on Electrochromism (IME-3)
    CityLondon, United Kingdom

    Bibliographical note

    Prepared for the Third International Meeting on Electrochromism (IME-3), 7-9 September 1998, London, United Kingdom

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/CP-520-25614


    • accelerated life testing
    • degradation factors
    • durability
    • electrochromic windows
    • energy savings


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