Acetyl-CoA Synthesis Through a Bicyclic Carbon-Fixing Pathway in Gas-Fermenting Bacteria

Chao Wu, Jonathan Lo, Chris Urban, Xiang Gao, Bin Yang, Jonathan Humphreys, Shrameeta Shinde, Xin Wang, Katherine Chou, PinChing Maness, Nicolas Tsesmetzis, David Parker, Wei Xiong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus Citations


Gas-fermenting acetogens can upgrade one-carbon (C1) compounds (such as CO2 and CO) to the two-carbon (C2) metabolite acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) and convert sugar feedstocks to acetyl-CoA with minimal CO2 emissions. Fulfilling the biosynthetic potential of these microbes requires overcoming challenges in pathway engineering. Here we design a synthetic acetyl-CoA bi-cycle-in addition to the natural carbon-fixing pathways-for C2 metabolite synthesis. This pathway produces an acetyl-CoA by fixation of two CO2 equivalents via three functional modules acting in sequence: carbon fixation, gluconeogenesis and non-oxidative glycolysis. The pathway was examined by in silico thermodynamic and kinetic analyses. The prototypic pathway was implemented in a syngas-fermenting organism, Clostridium ljungdahlii DSM 13528, by expressing a heterologous phosphoketolase that can work with other native enzymes in the host acetogen. The carbon conversion pathway is possible under various growth conditions and is independent of the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway for the valorization of H2 and CO2. This study reports the improvement of carbon conversion using a reductive acetyl-CoA bi-cycle and the potential impact of redox homoeostasis in the acetogenic host for industrial applications of gas fermentation.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)615-625
Number of pages11
JournalNature Synthesis
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2022

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-2700-92088


  • Acetyl-CoA
  • carbon conversion pathways
  • gas-fermenting bacteria
  • redox homoeostasis


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