Adaptive Pitch Control for Variable Speed Wind Turbines

Kathryn Johnson (Inventor), Lee Jay Fingersh (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


An adaptive method for adjusting blade pitch angle, and controllers implementing such a method, for achieving higher power coefficients. Average power coefficients are determined for first and second periods of operation for the wind turbine. When the average power coefficient for the second time period is larger than for the first, a pitch increment, which may be generated based on the powercoefficients, is added (or the sign is retained) to the nominal pitch angle value for the wind turbine. When the average power coefficient for the second time period is less than for the first, the pitch increment is subtracted (or the sign is changed). A control signal is generated based on the adapted pitch angle value and sent to blade pitch actuators that act to change the pitch angle of thewind turbine to the new or modified pitch angle setting, and this process is iteratively performed.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number8,174,136
StatePublished - 2012

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-5000-55321


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