Advanced Thermal Storage System with Novel Molten Salt: December 8, 2011 - April 30, 2013

NREL, Craig Turchi (NREL Technical Monitor)

Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


Final technical progress report of Halotechnics Subcontract No. NEU-2-11979-01. Halotechnics has demonstrated an advanced thermal energy storage system with a novel molten salt operating at 700 degrees C. The molten salt and storage system will enable the use of advanced power cycles such as supercritical steam and supercritical carbon dioxide in next generation CSP plants. The salt consists oflow cost, earth abundant materials.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages87
StatePublished - 2013

Bibliographical note

Work performed by Halotechnics, Emeryville, California

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/SR-5200-58595


  • concentrating solar power (CSP)
  • CSP
  • molten salt
  • TES
  • thermal energy storage


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