Advancing Understanding of Geothermal Representation in the Power Sector to Accelerate Deployment

Laura Chiaramonte, Whitney Trainor-Guitton, Anahi Molar Cruz, Diana Acero Allard, Nils Johnson, Jonathan Ho, Sean Porse, Andrew Coleman

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Driven mostly by decarbonization goals, geothermal interest in the US power sector has grown considerably, gradually evolving from being considered a niche technology, to being recognized as a viable source of clean, baseload, grid-balancing power, and renewable electric power generation. Furthermore, recent technical advances that could greatly accelerate deployment in the near future, and US federal incentives for low-carbon generation technologies, including geothermal, can enable opportunities for integrating geothermal into utilities resource planning portfolios. However, in general, utilities do not have in-house expertise to evaluate geothermal technologies and its potential role in helping decarbonize the grid as well as help them achieve their individual decarbonization goals. To date, geothermal is rarely included in Capacity Expansion Models (CEM) which utilities use in their planning activities and resource/technologies prioritization. To this end, EPRI and NREL are working together in a DOE-GTO funded research project to improve geothermal understanding (opportunities, value, risks) among the power industry to help accelerate geothermal deployment. In the present paper we describe the approach and preliminary findings of this work, focused on two topics: 1) Expand the degree of understanding on the value, opportunity, and risk of geothermal technologies among utilities and related companies/groups, specifically around geothermal for power generation. 2) Improve representation of geothermal power technologies in capacity expansion models (CEM).
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages18
StatePublished - 2024
EventGeothermal Rising Annual conference - Waikoloa, Hawaii
Duration: 27 Oct 202430 Oct 2024


ConferenceGeothermal Rising Annual conference
CityWaikoloa, Hawaii

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5700-90648


  • capacity expansion models
  • grid decarbonization
  • power generation
  • resource planning
  • utilities


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