title = "Albedo Data Sets for Bifacial PV Systems",
abstract = "Solar radiation data for seven SURFRAD stations for the period 1996-2018 show an increase in irradiance under clear skies over the period, but the increase was not constant and shorter periods may have even experienced decreases in irradiance. A popular implementation of a clear sky model provided modeled irradiances for comparison with the SURFRAD data under conditions screened for clear skies. The use of the clear sky model, which did not consider year-to-year variances in atmospheric turbidity, was found problematic for resolving small changes in irradiance important for determining PV system degradation over three or five years, but less problematic for a period of ten years.",
keywords = "aerosols, clear-sky, data, irradiance, model",
author = "Bill Marion",
year = "2020",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the 2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 15 June - 21 August 2020, Calgary, Canada",
type = "Other",