Alternative Fuels in Trucking - August 1996, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Newsletter)

    Research output: NRELMarketing


    This issue includes a bonus case study, 'Running Refuse Haulers on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): The New York City Experience' (SP-425-20807), which describes the results from the successful demonstration of these refuse haulers on the streets of New York. other stories feature the efforts of DOE to ensure the availability of training programs for voluntary certification of alternative fuelstechnicians; the efforts of Mack Engine Compnay to develop a liquified natural gas (LNG) refuse truck; the introduction this year by Volvo GM Heavy Truck Corporation of a natural-gas-powered L-10G engine as a factory option on its Xpeditor refuse trucks; the further development of LNG and CNG fueling facilities along the burgeoning 'I-35 Corridor' that runs from Mexico City to Canada; andDetriot Diesel Corporation's (DDC) field trials of the first U.S. original equipment manufacturer heavy-duty propane engine for many years, the DDC Series 50P.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages8
    StatePublished - 1996

    Bibliographical note

    Published quarterly by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/MK-425-20823


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