title = "An Integrated Platform for Wind Plant Operations: From Atmosphere to Electrons to the Grid",
abstract = "Under the Atmosphere to Electrons to Grid project (A2e2g), the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is developing an optimization platform for wind plant operations. The platform merges forecasting tools with aerodynamic and economic models in order to identify optimal operating schedules and controller functions that will maximize a wind plant's value streams for energy and other grid services. In this presentation, we will describe functionalities of the platform. We will also discuss the implications the use of the platform might have for understanding and valuing the capabilities of wind resources for power system operations.",
keywords = "A2E2G, grid, integrated platform, probabilistic forecasting, wind plant operations",
author = "Elina Spyrou and Jennifer King and Andrew Kumler and Christopher Bay and Yingchen Zhang and Vahan Gevorgian and Dave Corbus",
year = "2020",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the FERC Technical Conference Regarding Increasing Market and Planning Efficiency and Enhancing Resilience through Improved Software, 25 June 2020",
type = "Other",