Analysis of Geothermal Reservoir and Well Operational Conditions using Monthly Production Reports from Nevada and California

Koenraad Beckers, Katherine Young, Henry Johnston, Diana Snyder

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

12 Scopus Citations


When conducting techno-economic analysis of geothermal systems, assumptions are typically necessary for reservoir and wellbore parameters such as producer/injector well ratio, production temperature drawdown, and production/injection temperature, pressure and flow rate. To decrease uncertainty of several of these parameters, we analyzed field data reported by operators in monthly production reports. This paper presents results of a statistical analysis conducted on monthly production reports at 19 power plants in California and Nevada covering 196 production wells and 175 injection wells. The average production temperature was 304°F (151°C) for binary plants and 310°F (154°C) for flash plants. The average injection temperature was 169°F (76°C) for binary plants and 173°F (78°C) for flash plants. The average production temperature drawdown was 0.5% per year for binary plants and 0.8% per year for flash plants. The average production well flow rate was 112 L/s for binary plant wells and 62 L/s for flash plant wells. For all 19 plants combined, the median injectivity index value was 3.8 L/s/bar, and the average producer/injector well ratio was 1.6. As an additional example of analysis using data from monthly production reports, a coupled reservoir-wellbore model was developed to derive productivity curves at various pump horsepower settings. The workflow and model were applied to two example production wells.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages13
StatePublished - 2017
EventGeothermal Resources Council 41st Annual Meeting - Geothermal Energy: Power To Do More, GRC 2017 - Salt Lake City, United States
Duration: 1 Oct 20174 Oct 2017


ConferenceGeothermal Resources Council 41st Annual Meeting - Geothermal Energy: Power To Do More, GRC 2017
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySalt Lake City

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5500-68701


  • Injection temperature
  • Injectivity index
  • Production temperature
  • Reservoir performance
  • Reservoir production
  • Thermal drawdown
  • Well flow rate
  • Well ratio
  • Wellbore modeling


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