Analysis of High-Penetration Levels of Photovoltaics into the Distribution Grid on Oahu, Hawaii: Detailed Analysis of HECO Feeder WF1

Emma Stewart, Emma Stewart, James MacPherson, Slavko Vasilic, Dora Nakafuji, Thomas Aukai

Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


Renewable generation is growing at a rapid rate due to the incentives available and the aggressive renewable portfolio standard targets implemented by state governments. Distributed generation in particular is seeing the fastest growth among renewable energy projects, and is directly related to the incentives. Hawaii has the highest electricity costs in the country due to the high percentage ofoil burning steam generation, and therefore has some of the highest penetration of distributed PV in the nation. The High Penetration PV project on Oahu aims to understand the effects of high penetration PV on the distribution level, to identify penetration levels creating disturbances on the circuit, and to offer mitigating solutions based on model results. Power flow models are validated usingdata collected from solar resources and load monitors deployed throughout the circuit. Existing interconnection methods and standards are evaluated in these emerging high penetration scenarios. A key finding is a shift in the level of detail to be considered and moving away from steady-state peak time analysis towards dynamic and time varying simulations. Each level of normal interconnectionstudy is evaluated and enhanced to a new level of detail, allowing full understanding of each issue.
Original languageAmerican English
PublisherNational Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Number of pages42
StatePublished - 2013

Bibliographical note

Work performed by BEW Engineering, San Ramon, California, and Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO), Honolulu, Hawaii

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/SR-5500-54494


  • distribution
  • grid
  • Hawaii
  • high penetration
  • Oahu
  • solar


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