Analytic Expressions for Maximum Wind Turbine Average Power in a Rayleigh Wind Regime

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    Average or expectation values for annual power of a wind turbine in a Rayleigh wind regime are calculated and plotted as a function of cut-out wind speed. This wind speed is expressed in multiples of the annual average wind speed at the turbine installation site. To provide a common basis for comparison of all real and imagined turbines, the Rayleigh-Betz wind machine is postulated. This machineis an ideal wind machine operating with the ideal Betz power coefficient of 0.593 in a Rayleigh probabillty wind regime. All other average annual powers are expressed in fractions of that power. Cases considered include: 1) an ideal machine with finite power and finite cutout speed, 2) real machines operating in variable speed mode at their maximum power coefficient, and 3) real machinesoperating at constant speed.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages9
    StatePublished - 1997
    Event1997 ASME Wind Energy Symposium Technical 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Reno, Nevada
    Duration: 6 Jan 19979 Jan 1997


    Conference1997 ASME Wind Energy Symposium Technical 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit
    CityReno, Nevada

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/CP-23285


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