Automated Mobility Platforms (AMPs) for Versatile, Energy Efficient, Facility and District Scale Transport

Andrew Duvall, Stanley Young, Jered Dean, Colin Endsley

Research output: NRELPoster


The Automated Mobility Platforms (AMPs) concept is envisioned as an on-demand network of automated lightweight electric vehicles serving mobility needs in a large facility or district-scale setting. Supplanting the function of legacy automated people mover systems, AMPs is scalable to meet the needs of moving people in large interior spaces with destinations that are too distant for walking and in which larger motor vehicles would be unfeasible or undesirable. The AMPs system is designed for automated management and operation, extending to how and where the vehicles are sent to serve mobility needs, as organized through a supervisory management system. AMPs vehicles are requested by users via smartphone app or buttons located on interactive infrastructure elements. AMPs vehicles function similarly to elevators, though in the horizontal plane, wherein users summon vehicles, and are moved point-to-point, with user requested destinations set through intuitive interfaces. The concept targets extensibility, manageability, and performance improvements over legacy technologies, with accessibility and safety features integrally designed into the system.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2022

Publication series

NamePresented at the Defense TechConnect Innovation Summit & Expo, 26-29 September 2022, Washington D.C.

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PO-5400-83778


  • ADA supportive modes
  • automated mobility
  • light electric vehicles
  • mobility equity
  • mobility/buildings integration


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