Avian Monitoring and Risk Assessment at the San Gorgonio Wind Resource Area: Phase I Field Work: March 3, 1997 - May 29, 1998; Phase II Field Work: August 18, 1999 - August 11, 2000

Karin Sinclair, Karin Sinclair (NREL Technical Monitor)

Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


The primary objective of this study at the San Gorgonio Wind Resource Area was to estimate and compare bird utilization, fatality rates, and the risk index among factors including bird taxonomic groups, wind turbine and reference areas, wind turbine sizes and types, and geographic locations. The key questions addressed to meet this objective include: 1) Are there any differences in the level ofbird activity, called 'utilization rate' or 'use', with the operating wind plant and within the surrounding undeveloped areas (reference area)?; 2) Are there any differences in the rate of bird fatalities (or avian fatality) within the operating wind plant or the surrounding undeveloped areas (reference area)?; 3) Does bird use, fatality rates, or bird risk index vary according to the geographiclocation, type and size of wind turbine, and/or type of bird within the operating wind plant and surrounding undeveloped areas (reference area)?; and 4) How do raptor fatality rates at San Gorgonio compare to other wind projects with comparable data?
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages138
StatePublished - 2005

Bibliographical note

Work performed by State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, Sacramento, California and Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc., Cheyenne, Wyoming

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/SR-500-38054


  • avian
  • avian deaths
  • bird deaths
  • birds
  • raptors
  • San Gorgonio
  • wind energy
  • wind farm
  • wind turbine


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