Benefits and Breakthroughs: A Newsletter from the Office of Industrial Technologies, Summer 1995

    Research output: NRELMarketing


    Stories in this premier issue of the series (see series description on p. __.) focus on the signing of a new pact between DOE and the steel industry to pursue new technologies in production efficiency, recycling, and environmental engineering; OIT's first Industrial Energy Efficiency Symposium and Exposition held last May; and OIT's efforts to facilitate opportunities for U.S. industries to dobusiness abroad.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages4
    StatePublished - 1995

    Bibliographical note

    Produced for the Office of Industrial Technologies at the U.S. Department of Energy by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/MK-20023

    Other Report Number

    • DOE/GO-10095-183


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