Bioderived Fuels and Methods of Making the Same

Glenn Hafenstine (Inventor), Derek Vardon (Inventor), Xiangchen Huo (Inventor), Nabila Huq (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present disclosure relates to a composition that includes a first oxide having a phosphate, a ratio of Bronsted acid sites to Lewis acid sites between 0.05 and 1.00, and a total acidity between 50 umol/g and 300 umol/g, where the phosphate is at least one of a functional group covalently bonded to the first oxide and/or an anion ionically bonded to the first oxide.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number11,649,410 B2
Filing date16/05/23
StatePublished - 2023

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-5100-86313


  • Bronsted acid sites
  • Lewis acid sites
  • phosphated first oxide


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