Biomass Conversion to Fuels and Chemicals

Gregg Beckham (Inventor), Christopher Johnson (Inventor), Derek Vardon (Inventor), Mary Franden (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


This disclosure relates to compositions and methods for converting biomass to various chemical intermediates and final products including fuels. Aspects include the depolymerization of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose to a wide slate of depolymerization compounds that can be subsequently metabolized by genetically modified bacterium, and converted to cis,cis-muconic acid. Other aspects include the use of monometallic catalysts for converting the cis,cis-muconic acid to commodity chemicals and fuels, for example adipic acid and/or nylon.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number10,017,792 B2
Filing date10/07/18
StatePublished - 2018

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-2A00-72001


  • biomass
  • commodity chemicals
  • depolymerization compounds
  • depolymerization of lignin
  • fuels
  • hemicellulose
  • monometallic catalysts


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