CdTe Team Activities

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    In 1994 the CdTe Team was formed as part of DOE/NREL's Thin Film PV Partnership program. Team members are industrial, academic and governmental organizations with interests in thin film CdTe/CdS module technology. Ongoing activities of the CdTe Team's two working groups are directed toward 1) Development of a stability testing protocol for CdTe-based PV modules, and 2) Clarifying how CdS affectsthe trade-off between high Jsc and high Voc. Future activities will also include investigations of the CdTe to back electrode contact.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages9
    StatePublished - 1997
    EventNREL/SNL Photovoltaics Program Review: 14th Conference - Lakewood, Colorado
    Duration: 18 Nov 199622 Nov 1996


    ConferenceNREL/SNL Photovoltaics Program Review: 14th Conference
    CityLakewood, Colorado

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/CP-23663


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