Cellulosic Ethanol Economics and Climate Change Benefits

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    A new technical and economic analysis of how the United States transportation fuel strategy might evolve over time now demonstrates that a renewable, low-net-greenhouse-gas-emitting fuel, ethanol made from cellulosic biomass, can be used as a blendstock to replace a significant portion of the United States transportation fossil fuels market by the year 2015. A limited-duration,declining-schedule, tax incentive can stimulate the initial commercial deployment and be phased our completely by 2015-2020. Some 200-250 million tonnes of greenhouse gas carbon emissions from gasoline combustion would be avoided through 2025 at an average cost of $30-100 per tonne. This market and environmental transformation can take place without significant changes to the existing UnitedStates auto fleet or refuling infrastructure, and will preserve high quality jobs in the United States agricultural and industrial sectors. Because these findings have equal relevance to other developed countries, cellulosic ethanol could be an important factor in setting the basis for national greenhouse gas mitigation policies around the world.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages11
    StatePublished - 1997
    Event3rd Biomass Conference of the Americas - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Duration: 24 Aug 199729 Aug 1997


    Conference3rd Biomass Conference of the Americas
    CityMontreal, Quebec, Canada

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/CP-210-24337


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