Circle Diagram Approach for Self Excited Induction Generators

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


When an induction generator is connected to a utility line supply, the voltage and frequency at the terminal output are the same as the voltage and frequency of the utility line supply to which the generator is connected. The reactive power needed by the induction generator is supplied by the utility and the real power is returned to the utility. With a fixed frequency dictated by the utility,the induction machine starts generating above the synchronous speed. The range of speed is also limited by the slip. At a very high slip, the copper losses increases as the current increases. On the other hand, in an isolated operation, the induction generator operates in self-excitation mode. It determines its own voltage and frequency. These two quantities depend on the size of the ACcapacitor, the induction machine parameters, the electrical load, and the speed of the generator. The operating speed of the induction generator is extended without generating excessive loss. This paper presents an analytical study by utilizing a circle diagram to illustrate the operation of the induction generator in isolated operation. The steady-state calculations are presented to support theanalysis. Possible applications for the system in variable-speed generation are currently under investigation. The output can be directly connected to equipment that is non-sensitive to the frequency (a heater, battery charger, etc.) or can be connected to a converter to get a fixed-frequency AC output.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 1993
Event1993 North American Power Symposium - Howard University, Washington, D.C.
Duration: 11 Oct 199312 Oct 1993


Conference1993 North American Power Symposium
CityHoward University, Washington, D.C.

Bibliographical note

Prepared for the 1993 North American Power Symposium, 11-12 October 1993, Howard University, Washington, DC

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-441-5611


  • generators
  • induction generators
  • variable speed


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