title = "Climate-Water-Electricity Interactions in the U.S. Under Alternative Decarbonized Futures",
abstract = "The U.S. electric sector is rapidly evolving, with widespread renewable energy deployment, building and transport electrification, and nuanced decarbonization policies. Climate change influences the supply and demand for electricity by altering water resources for cooling and hydropower, thermal plant efficiencies, and heating and cooling demand. This research combines global climate model data, asset-level water and streamflow modeling, and electric sector capacity expansion modeling to study climate-water-electricity interactions across myriad future climate and electricity scenarios that consider electrification and decarbonization using renewable, hydrogen, carbon capture, and nuclear technologies. Multi-model integration leads to insights into power-water sector interactions and their impacts on grid economics and environmental outcomes.",
keywords = "climate change, electricity, GMLC, grid, hydropower, ReEDS, water",
author = "Stuart Cohen",
year = "2023",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting, 15-18 October 2023, Phoenix, Arizona",
type = "Other",