Commercialization of CIS-Based Thin-Film PV: Annual Technical Report--Phase II, September 1999 - August 2000

    Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


    This report describes the objective to establish reliable high-throughput, high-yield thin-film deposition processes to make CIS a viable option for the next generation of photovoltaics. Outdoor testing, accelerated environmental testing, and packaging development progressed throughout all phases of this subcontract. Siemens scaled up substrate size and scaled up production capacity of thebaseline SSI CIS-based module process while introducing CIS-based products. The primary goals of this subcontract are to scale the substrate size from about 900 cm2 (1 ft2) to about 4000 cm2 by the middle of the Phase II, and to achieve pilot production rates of 500 kW per year by the end of Phase III. Deliverables for the subcontract include CIS-based products and representative modulesdelivered to the NREL Module Testing Team for outdoor testing and evaluation. SSI will continue mid-term and longer-term thin-film R&D with the goals of: a) Assuring future product competitiveness; b) Improving module performance; and c) Reducing cost per watt assuring product reliability.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages36
    StatePublished - 2001

    Bibliographical note

    Work performed by Siemens Solar Industries, Camarillo, California

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/SR-520-30618


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