Community Solar Consolidated Billing: An Exploration of Implementation and Alternatives

Simon Sandler, Bentham Paulos, Jenna Harmon

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


The report presents an analysis of the considerations, costs, and benefits surrounding the implementation of utility consolidated billing in community solar programs while also exploring alternatives to achieve similar benefits in its absence. Consolidated billing simplifies the billing process for customers by combining all charges and credits associated with electricity service and community solar subscriptions into a single bill. The potential benefits of consolidated billing implementation include increased transparency, improved customer experience, and ultimately increased retention rates and decreased subscriber acquisition costs. Currently, community solar subscribers often receive two separate bills - one from the utility and one from a third-party community solar provider - potentially causing confusion. Consolidated billing seeks to resolve this by offering a unified bill, which, while beneficial to numerous stakeholders, presents administrative, technical, and financial hurdles that utilities and program administrators must address.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages33
StatePublished - 2024

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-6A20-90867


  • billing software
  • community solar
  • consolidated billing
  • consumer protections
  • dual billing
  • low-income customer access
  • non-payment and arrearages
  • On-Bill Financing (OBF)
  • On-Bill Repayment (OBR)
  • third-party consolidated billing
  • utility billing


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