title = "Comparing Polymer Recycling Technologies for a Circular Plastic Economy",
abstract = "This presentation summarizes the research article {"}Technical, Economic, and Environmental Comparison of Closed-Loop Recycling Technologies for Common Plastics{"} by Uekert et al. (ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2023) for a carpet industry audience. It covers the technical performance, environmental impacts, and costs of existing and emerging plastic recycling technologies, with a focus on those that are applicable to carpet materials such as polypropylene and polyester.",
keywords = "carpet, circular economy, life cycle assessment, plastic, recycling, technoeconomic analysis",
author = "Taylor Uekert",
year = "2023",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the CARE 21st Annual Conference, 25-26 April 2023, Orlando, Florida",
type = "Other",