Comparison of Battery Life Across Real-World Automotive Drive-Cycles (Presentation): NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

Research output: NRELPresentation


Laboratories run around-the-clock aging tests to try to understand as quickly as possible how long new Li-ion battery designs will last under certain duty cycles. These tests may include factors such as duty cycles, climate, battery power profiles, and battery stress statistics. Such tests are generally accelerated and do not consider possible dwell time at high temperatures and states-of-charge.Battery life-predictive models provide guidance as to how long Li-ion batteries may last under real-world electric-drive vehicle applications. Worst-case aging scenarios are extracted from hundreds of real-world duty cycles developed from vehicle travel surveys. Vehicles examined included PHEV10 and PHEV40 EDVs under fixed (28 degrees C), limited cooling (forced ambient temperature), andaggressive cooling (20 degrees C chilled liquid) scenarios using either nightly charging or opportunity charging. The results show that battery life expectancy is 7.8 - 13.2 years for the PHEV10 using a nightly charge in Phoenix, AZ (hot climate), and that the 'aggressive' cooling scenario can extend battery life by 1-3 years, while the 'limited' cooling scenario shortens battery life by 1-2years. Frequent (opportunity) charging can reduce battery life by 1 year for the PHEV10, while frequent charging can extend battery life by one-half year.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages26
StatePublished - 2011

Publication series

NamePresented at the 7th Annual Lithium Battery Power Conference, 11 July - 11 August 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PR-5400-53470


  • automotive duty cycles
  • batteries
  • battery aging
  • battery life
  • battery life predictive models
  • lithium ion batteries


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