Comparison of Two Independent LIDAR-Based Pitch Control Designs

F. Dunne, D. Schlipf, L.Y. Pao, Alan Wright (NREL Technical Monitor)

Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


Two different lidar-based feedforward controllers have previously been designed for the NREL 5 MW wind turbine model under separate studies. Feedforward controller A uses a finite-impulse-response design, with 5 seconds of preview, and three rotating lidar measurements. Feedforward controller B uses a static-gain design, with the preview time defined by the pitch actuator dynamics, a simulationof a real nacelle-based scanning lidar system, and a lowpass filter defined by the lidar configuration. These controllers are now directly compared under the same lidar configuration, in terms of fatigue load reduction, rotor speed regulation, and power capture. The various differences in design choices are discussed and compared. We also compare frequency plots of individual pitch feedforwardand collective pitch feedforward load reductions, and we see that individual pitch feedforward is effective mainly at the once-per-revolution and twice-per-revolution frequencies. We also explain how to determine the required preview time by breaking it down into separate parts, and we then compare it to the expected preview time available.
Original languageAmerican English
PublisherNational Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Number of pages39
StatePublished - 2012

Bibliographical note

Work performed by University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado and University of Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/SR-5000-55544


  • fatigue load mitigation
  • feed-forward controls
  • power capture
  • rotor speed regulation
  • wind turbine controls


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