Component Integration Strategies in Metamorphic 4-Junction III-V Concentrator Solar Cells

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

6 Scopus Citations


Progressing beyond 3-junction inverted-metamorphic multijunction solar cells grown on GaAs substrates, to 4-junction devices, requires the development of high quality metamorphic 0.7 eV GaInAs solar cells. Once accomplished, the integration of this subcell into a full, monolithic, series connected, 4J-IMM structure demands the development of a metamorphic tunnel junction lattice matched to the 1eV GaInAs subcell. Moreover, the 0.7 eV junction adds about 2 hours of growth time to the structure, implying a heavier annealing of the subcells and tunnel junctions grown first. The final 4J structure is above 20 μm thick, with about half of this thickness used by the metamorphic buffers required to change the lattice constant throughout the structure. Thinning of these buffers would help reduce the total thickness of the 4J structure to decrease its growth cost and the annealing time. These three topics: development of a metamorphic tunnel junction for the 4th junction, analysis of the annealing, and thinning of the structure, are tackled in this work. The results presented show the successful implementation of an antimonide-based tunnel junction for the 4th junction and of pathways to mitigate the impact of annealing and reduce the thickness of the metamorphic buffers.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 2014
Event10th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems, CPV 2014 - Albuquerque, United States
Duration: 7 Apr 20149 Apr 2014


Conference10th International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems, CPV 2014
Country/TerritoryUnited States

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5J00-61832


  • 4-junction solar cell
  • Metamorphic buffer
  • Tunnel junction


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