Computer Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade Dynamic Loads

R. W. Thresher, E. L. Hershberg, A. D. Wright

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The flapping motion of a single wind turbine rotor blade has been analyzed and equations describing the flapping motion have been developed. The analysis was constrained to allow only flapping motions for a cantilevered blade, and the equations of motion are linearized. A computer code, called FLAP (Force and Loads Analysis Program), to solve the equations of motion and compute the blade loads has been completed and compared to measured loads for a 3-bladed downwind turbine with stiff blades. The results of the program are presented in tabulated form for equidistant points along the blade and equal azimuth angles around the rotor disk.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 1985
EventFourth ASME Wind Energy Symposium: Eighth Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition - Dallas, Texas
Duration: 17 Feb 198521 Feb 1985


ConferenceFourth ASME Wind Energy Symposium: Eighth Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition
CityDallas, Texas

Bibliographical note

Work performed by Solar Energy Research Institute Wind Energy Research Center, Golden, Colorado, and Techtronics Incorporated, Beaverton, Oregon

NREL Publication Number

  • ACNR/CP-214-7531


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