Connective Actions for Educational Institutions and Wind Industry Firms

Research output: NRELPresentation


As a part of the National Wind Workforce Assessment, four presentations have been created in conjunction with the technical report to provide more insight into key findings. The four presentations are catered towards specific stakeholder groups that include: educators, wind industry firms, students, and current wind industry employees. This presentation is intended for use by wind industry firms and educational institutions looking to gain insight into key levers and actionable steps that can be taken to help narrow the wind workforce gap. Data and guidance on how wind industry firms and education institutions can collaborate to 1) grow the number of graduates applying into wind occupational roles through increasing awareness of opportunities in the industry and 2) increase the quality of applicants applying into wind through relevant experience gaining opportunities like internships and apprenticeships is included in the presentation.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages42
StatePublished - 2023

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PR-5000-87522


  • assessment
  • wind energy
  • wind workforce
  • workforce gap


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