Controlling Wind Turbines for Secondary Frequency Regulation: An Analysis of AGC Capabilities Under New Performance Based Compensation Policy

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


As wind energy becomes a larger portion of the world's energy portfolio there has been an increased interest for wind turbines to control their active power output to provide ancillary services which support grid reliability. One of these ancillary services is the provision of frequency regulation, also referred to as secondary frequency control or automatic generation control (AGC), which is often procured through markets which recently adopted performance-based compensation. A wind turbine with a control system developed to provide active power ancillary services can be used to provide frequency regulation services. Simulations have been performed to determine the AGC tracking performance at various power schedule set-points, participation levels, and wind conditions. The performance metrics used in this study are based on those used by several system operators in the US. Another metric that is analyzed is the damage equivalent loads (DELs) on turbine structural components, though the impacts on the turbine electrical components are not considered. The results of these single-turbine simulations show that high performance scores can be achieved when there are insufficient wind resources available. The capability of a wind turbine to rapidly and accurately follow power commands allows for high performance even when tracking rapidly changing AGC signals. As the turbine de-rates to meet decreased power schedule set-points there is a reduction in the DELs, and the participation in frequency regulation has a negligible impact on these loads.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 2014
Event13th Wind Integration Workshop - Berlin, Germany
Duration: 11 Nov 201413 Nov 2014


Conference13th Wind Integration Workshop
CityBerlin, Germany

Bibliographical note

See NREL/CP-5D00-62815 for preprint

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5000-67188


  • AGC
  • ancillary service
  • automatic generation control
  • University of Colorado
  • wind


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