Coordinated Modeling of Electric Grid and Natural Gas Network Operations

Research output: NRELPresentation


Presentation based upon full report of a Colorado case study and coordination framework, which is available at JISEA analysts Brian Sergi, Omar Guerra, and Bri-Mathias Hodge will present on recent JISEA work on coordination between the natural gas and electricity sectors. Power and gas are becoming increasingly interdependent but weren't designed to function together. How does greater coordination impact system operations with different levels of solar and wind penetrations? This free JISEA presentation will take place in a Webinar on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 12 p.m.: Learn how greater coordination between the natural gas and electricity sectors impacts system operations with different levels of solar and wind penetrations. Presentation information includes: Historical and projected data for natural gas consumption and power generation in the United States as demonstrated by 2014 East Coast Polar Vortex, 2021 Texas Winter Storm Uri. Showing coupling points, FERC identified need for better coordination, different levels of coordination (decision making and optimization control), coordination framework. Case study on Colorado Front Range, ramping requirements and gas nominations, real-time dispatch (June and December scenarios), results of analysis of impacts of coordination on unserved load. Total real-time gas offtakes by node, impacts on unserved gas, effect on CO2 emissions. Discussions on clusions drawn from Colorado Case study expanded co-simulation via HELICS, objectives of the HELICS+ natural gas use case, modeling of hydrogen blending, techno economic assessment of blending, and blending impacts on energy content and pressure.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages24
StatePublished - 2021

Publication series

NamePresented at the Coordinated Modeling of Electric Grid and Natural Gas Network Operations Webinar, 11 May 2021

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PR-6A50-79909


  • analysis
  • Colorado
  • coordination
  • East Coast
  • electricity
  • grid
  • impact
  • natural gas
  • operations
  • sectors
  • solar
  • Texas
  • wind


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