CuPt-Ordering in High Bandgap GaxIn1-xP Alloys on Relaxed GaAsP Step Grades

M. A. Steiner, L. Bhusal, J. F. Geisz, A. G. Norman, M. J. Romero, W. J. Olavarria, Y. Zhang, A. Mascarenhas

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25 Scopus Citations


We have fabricated a series of Gax In1-x P samples over the compositional range 0.51<x<0.76 on GaAs substrates. The samples were prepared by first growing a thick step-graded layer of GaAs1-y P y to bridge the lattice misfit between the Gax In 1-x P layers and the GaAs substrate. The order parameter was tuned using a dilute antimony surfactant during growth. The composition, strain, and order parameter of each sample were characterized by x-ray diffraction, and the bandgap was measured by photoluminescence. We find good agreement between the experimentally measured bandgaps and theoretically modeled curves.

Original languageAmerican English
Article numberArticle No. 063525
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2009

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-520-46296


  • antimony
  • band gap
  • III-V semiconductors
  • surfactants
  • temperature measurement


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