Cutting-Edge Operations Concepts: Intelligent Infrastructure, Cooperative Driving, Signal Control, and Curbside Management

Research output: NRELPresentation


The objective of this breakout session at the NREL Mobility workshop was to examine emerging traffic operations concepts built on key detection technology such as radars, lidars, and imaging recognition - and identify challenges and paths forward to integrate into our current roadway system. The key objective were to identify the opportunities for intelligent infrastructure to support near-term safety, equity, energy, and congestion mitigation goals, while supporting longer term connected-automated vehicle objectives. In the plenary session, Eric Raamot, from the USDOT Highly Automated Safety Systems Office challenged the participants to think broadly about the roll of standards and reference architecture to provide both an accelerated rollout of intelligent infrastructure, but also a repeatable and supportable framework upon which many infrastructure owners and operators (IOOs) could utilize for their implementation purposes.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages15
StatePublished - 2023

Publication series

NamePresented at NREL's Envisioning Tomorrow's Sustainable Mobility Systems Workshop, 10-11 May 2023, Golden, Colorado

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PR-5400-86449


  • connected vehicles
  • infrastructure perception and control
  • intelligent infrastructure
  • operations
  • traffic signals


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