title = "Cybersecurity Certification Standard for Distributed Energy and Inverter Based Resources",
abstract = "NREL and UL co-presented on their joint effort to develop a cybersecurity certification standard for distributed energy resources (DERs) at a meeting of the Cybersecurity Advisory Team for State Solar (CATSS). The advisory team is hosted by NASEO & NARUC. The presentation outlined the benefits of a cybersecurity certification standard, the outcomes of previous initiatives, how this effort reflects the evolving electric grid, and the role of state energy offices. UL explained their role as a trusted third party with expertise to lead this effort and the process from Outline of Investigation (OOI) to a certification standard.",
keywords = "BPS, cybersecurity certification, cybersecurity requirements, DER, IBR, security, solar, standard",
author = "Danish Saleem and Michael Slowinske",
note = "A recording of this presentation is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9LVAn7SNVY",
year = "2022",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the NASEO/NARUS Cybersecurity Advisory Team for State Solar (CATSS) Advisory Group Meeting, 24 January 2022",
type = "Other",