Demonstrate MEP Benefit of Intelligent EV Infrastructure Design Using ABMs

Eric Wood, Colin Sheppard, Omer Verbas

Research output: NRELManagement


Emerging urban mobility options are poised to fundamentally transform modern transportation systems in ways that cannot be understood without complex modeling approaches. Supply - and demand of various mobility options are effectively represented using agent-based models (ABMs) at ANL (POLARIS) and LBNL (BEAM). Parallel with new mobility options, electricity is predicted to become a significant source of transportation fuel in existing vehicle-based modes. NREL’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Projection Tool (EVI-Pro) projects consumer demand for various types of charging infrastructure. Quantification of impacts from simultaneous introduction of new travel modes and electrification of existing ones presents a challenge to weigh the inherent tradeoffs between mobility, energy, and productivity. NREL’s Mobility Energy Productivity (MEP) framework provides the necessary structured analytical approach to weight said costs and benefits. This project leverages all these tools in a demonstration of the value of the SMART Modeling Workflow focused on MEP benefits of intelligent electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure design.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages7
StatePublished - 2020

Bibliographical note

See the Vehicle Technologies Office Energy Efficient Mobility Systems 2019 Annual Progress Report at

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/MP-5400-78666


  • agent-based models (ABMs)
  • mobility energy productivity (MEP)
  • transportation
  • urban mobility


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