title = "DER Testing and Verification - Overview of IEEE P1547.1",
abstract = "This presentation provides an overview of IEEE 1547.1, which contains the test and verification procedures needed to confirm that distributed energy resources comply with IEEE 1547-2018. IEEE 1547.1 is currently in balloting and is not yet finalized. The presentation focuses on aspects of IEEE 1547.1 likely to be of interest to to PJM and their stakeholders. It also touches on related topics such as tests that confirm DER behavior that are not included in IEEE 1547.1",
keywords = "compliance, DER integration, distributed energy resources, IEEE 1547.1, smart inverters, standards, testing, verification",
author = "Anderson Hoke",
year = "2019",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the Technical Workshop on DER Integration with IEEE 1547/1547.1 Standards, 30-31 July 2019, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania",
type = "Other",