Design and Performance Evaluation of a Resistive Control Using a Hydraulic PTO System for the TALOS Wave Energy Converter

Jorge Leon-Quiroga, David Ogden, Salman Husain, Wanan Sheng, George Aggidis, Aidan Bharath

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This study is focused on developing a numerical model to evaluate the performance of a hydraulic PTO system for the TALOS Wave Energy Converter. The WEC device is described and the architecture of the hydraulic PTO system is presented with detail. The WEC is modeled using WEC-Sim, and the PTO is modeled using the Simscape Fluids library from Simulink. The hydraulic PTO is based on a constant pressure configuration that is suitable for WEC passive control. The hydraulic system is composed by a set of rectifying valves and two hydraulic accumulators that reduce the stiffness of the system and also serve as energy storage devices. One of the advantages of this hydraulic PTO architecture is the possibility of controlling the electric generator to operate around the optimal efficiency operating point. The main components of the hydraulic PTO are off-the-shelf devices that are commercially available, which will facility a future deployment of the designed system. The design variables used for this study are the accumulator size, the maximum pressure in the accumulators, the hydraulic motor maximum displacement, and the shaft speed in the electric generator. The performance of the system is evaluated individually, using sinusoidal inputs that replicates regular wave conditions. In addition to this, the numerical model of the PTO is coupled to a WEC-Sim simulation of the TALOS Wave Energy Converter with six PTOs to generate a wave-to-wire model. The main objective of this work is to present a comprehensive design methodology that could serve as a guideline for future research efforts focused on implementing control algorithms on multi degree of freedom WECs.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages7
StatePublished - 2024
EventThe 34th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference - Rhodes, Greece
Duration: 16 Jun 202421 Jun 2024


ConferenceThe 34th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
CityRhodes, Greece

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5700-91012


  • hydraulic systems
  • marine renewable energy
  • PTO
  • WEC
  • WEC-sim


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