Determining the Capacity Value of Wind: A Survey of Methods and Implementation; Preprint

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This paper focuses on methodologies for determining the capacity value of generating resources, including wind energy and summarizes several important state and regional studies. Regional transmission organizations, state utility regulatory commissions, the North American Electric Reliability Council, regional reliability councils, and increasingly, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission alladvocate, call for, or in some instances, require that electric utilities and competitive power suppliers not only have enough generating capacity to meet customer demand but also have generating capacity in reserve in case customer demand is higher than expected, or if a generator or transmission line goes out of service. Although the basic concept is the same across the country, how it isimplemented is strikingly different from region to region. Related to this question is whether wind energy qualifies as a capacity resource. Wind's variability makes this a matter of great debate in some regions. However, many regions accept that wind energy has some capacity value, albeit at a lower value than other energy technologies. Recently, studies have been published in California,Minnesota and New York that document that wind energy has some capacity value. These studies join other initiatives in PJM, Colorado, and in other states and regions.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages30
StatePublished - 2005
EventWindPower 2005 - Denver, Colorado
Duration: 15 May 200518 May 2005


ConferenceWindPower 2005
CityDenver, Colorado

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-500-38062


  • California
  • capacity
  • grid
  • Minnesota
  • New York
  • wind energy
  • wind farm
  • wind plants


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