Distributed Energy Resources Interconnection Systems: Technology Review and Research Needs

NREL, Thomas Basso (NREL Technical Monitor)

Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


Interconnecting distributed energy resources (DER) to the electric utility grid (or Area Electric Power System, Area EPS) involves system engineering, safety, and reliability considerations. This report documents US DOE Distribution and Interconnection R&D (formerly Distributed Power Program) activities, furthering the development and safe and reliable integration of DER interconnected with ournation's electric power systems. The key to that is system integration and technology development of the interconnection devices that perform the functions necessary to maintain the safety, power quality, and reliability of the EPS when DER are connected to it. ; ; This report is an outgrowth of the July 24, 2001, DOE/NREL Distributed Energy Resources Systems Interconnection TechnologiesWorkshop, but it includes information beyond that - from conferences, standards, and codes (e.g., the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers interconnection standards and manufacturer, supplier, and vendor specifications). This report summarizes the workshop, identifies manufacturers and suppliers of interconnection equipment, characterizes the performance of the products supplied bythese vendors, describes typical system configurations used in interconnection arrangements, and identifies areas that can benefit from technology development and demonstration. This report is representative of the interim status and is not an exhaustive compilation.
Original languageAmerican English
PublisherNational Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Number of pages163
StatePublished - 2002

Bibliographical note

Work performed by Resource Dynamics Corporation, Vienna, Virginia

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/SR-560-32459


  • codes and standards
  • distributed energy resources (DER)
  • distributed generation
  • distributed power
  • electric utility grid
  • equipment
  • interconnection
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
  • NREL
  • system integration
  • vendors


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