title = "Distributed PV Adoption - Sensitivity to Market Factors: NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)",
abstract = "NREL staff used the dSolar (distributed solar) model to forecast the adoption of distributed, behind-the-meter PV through the year 2050 for 9 different scenarios. The scenarios varied in their assumptions about a carbon tax, the cost of PV systems in the future, and what credit would be given for excess generation once current net metering policies expire.",
keywords = "adoption, carbon tax, dGen, DGPV, distributed PV, dSolar, forecasts, NEM, net metering, NRDC, null",
author = "Pieter Gagnon and Benjamin Sigrin",
year = "2016",
language = "American English",
series = "This presentation is not for a specific conference or event.",
type = "Other",