DynaM: Dynamic Multiresolution Data Representation for Large-Scale Scientific Analysis

Yuan Tian, Scott Klasky, Weikuan Yu, Bin Wang, Hasan Abbasi, Norbert Podhorszki, Ray Grout

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

7 Scopus Citations


Fast growing large-scale systems enable scientific applications to run at a much larger scale and accordingly produce gigantic volumes of simulation output. Such data imposes a grand challenge to post-processing tasks such as visualization and data analysis, because these tasks are often performed at a host machine that is remotely located and equipped with much less memory and storage resources. During the simulation runs, it is also desirable for scientists to be able to interactively monitor and steer the progress of simulation. This requires scientific data to be represented in an efficient form for initial exploration and computation steering. In this paper, we propose DynaM a software framework that can represent scientific data in a multiresolution form, and dynamically organize data blocks into an optimized layout for efficient scientific analysis. DynaM supports a convolution-based multiresolution data representation for abstracting scientific data for visualization at a wide spectrum of resolution. To support the efficient generation and retrieval of different data granularities from such representation, a dynamic data organization in DynaM is enabled to cater distinct peculiarities of different size data blocks for efficient and balanced I/O performance. Our experimental results demonstrate that DynaM can efficiently represent large scientific dataset and speed up the visualization of multidimensional scientific data. An up to 29 times speedup is achieved on Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 2013
Event2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage, NAS 2013 - Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
Duration: 17 Jul 201319 Jul 2013


Conference2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage, NAS 2013
CityXi'an, Shaanxi

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-2C00-61592


  • Data organization
  • Multiresolution
  • Scientific visualization


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